Friday, August 14, 2009

Ouch Ouch Ouch!!!

This is being blogged by me as I find it very tedious and harrowing to narrate the gruesome incident over and over again to all the people who ask me to do the same. I appreciate all the concern and the innumerable bottles of Horlicks and fruits! :-) I am very glad that there are so many people who care so much for me! :-)

My brother and myself were walking back home from Indira Nagar that night. It was about 10:30 in the night when we entered Mettu Street (the street where my house is). My brother was telling me about swearing in Hindi and then we suddenly we heard someone shout “DEI!!!”. We looked around but didn’t stop walking and then we looked up at the handicrafts showroom opposite my place. We could only make out some silhouettes of people standing there, leaning over the parapet.

They shouted out “enna da mela paakaringa?” (What are you looking at up here?)

My brother asked “enna?” (What?)

They started swearing and, trust me, if ever I have been amazed at the vulgarity of such words it was then!

They kept swearing and then shouted “keezhayae iru naa varaen” (stay down there I will come)

We were confused and didn’t know what to do and we hesitated a bit, right outside the building.

Big mistake.

Three guys, built like hippos, came thundering down the stairs of that building and they made straight for my brother’s throat. I barged into them and pushed them off my brother. Then two of them turned to me and one held my collar and punched me in the right eye. I was wearing my glasses then and I don’t know what happened to them with that punch!

I was blinded by pain and tried to punch him back but I guess he never even felt it as he was totally tight! Then he punched me again and again in the same place and I knew that it was pointless to go on the offensive against such brute force and so I tried to block out the punches.

They dragged me by the shirt collar along the road for about 2 meters and then started kicking me all over. I curled up to avoid any major damages and then I heard people coming. My dad had come down and was preventing them from attacking my brother and then my neighbor was helping me get up. Then I heard my mom screaming hysterically “sashi sashi sashi…what happened!?!” I told her I was fine and then I realized that my eye was bleeding a lot.

Someone gave me a kerchief and then fortunately a police constable came by the place then and saw all this commotion and asked who beat me.

One of the drunk answered impertinently “it was me who beat him. So what?”

That was the last straw and they marched the 3 drunks to the police station and I was asked to come along as well to file a complaint. There were so many people who came along with me. But I can’t remember them all as I was not in a pretty good state.

The police made me wash my eye in a bathroom behind the station and then when I came into the main room of the station I saw that the 3 guys who beat me were made to strip down to their underpants and then made to hug a pillar. Then the inspector beat them so soundly that they were squealing like pigs about to be sent to a slaughterhouse. Then my neighbor, my dad, my brother and a police constable made our way to the Saidapet govt. hospital to get this case booked. They told us that they can only give me an anti-tetanus shot and then we must go to Royapettah hospital or the General Hospital that was opposite the Central Railway Station as the ophthalmologist is available only there. So we made our way to Royapettah and since the eye-doctor was not there we went to the General Hospital opposite to the central railway station.

There I had to get a CT Scan done and also my head was X-rayed and then the long wait began. It was 5 in the morning when the ophthalmologist came and then he checked my eye is a very primitive way and said everything is ok and there were no internal injuries.

In the meantime we were witness to 4 deaths at the casualty ward overnight. I never ever want to see the place again. Not even visit it in my worst nightmares.

I returned home with my dad and brother at about 10 in the morning as we were given the discharge certificate only at about 8:30 in the morning.

It has been a terrible ordeal for me and I wish that it happens to no one else in this world.

God bless the innocent teetotalers and kick those bloody drunkards!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weird Combinations! :D

I just recovered from a bout of viral fever. It made me so weak (was on a liquid bland diet for 4 days!) that I was bedridden for another couple of days! I knew that I was in for a tough time ahead when I had an ice cream on Wednesday. I didn't deserve the horrid fever i got as the ice cream I had was of the worst possible flavour. Any guesses? It was "Cheese 'n' Strawberry" from Amul ice cream! I thought once before buying it whether it was worth it, then decided "I must be like Giridhar and try it out once".

OK.. Giridhar is my childhood friend and I remember once when we were having Fanta in another friend's birthday party he poured some tomato ketchup into his glass of Fanta and drank it. He said he loved to taste new (and weird) combinations from time to time. Anyway that reminds me of one more incident from my childhood. My class went on a trip to the local museum and one boy mixed some coca cola with his lunch (curd rice) and amazingly he went ahead and had more than 5 spoonfuls of it!!! He faced the dire consequences within an hour though. No one wanted to sit next to him in the bus on the way back to school! :D

hmmm... weird combinations... i really must try to make a list of them! :D

Monday, April 21, 2008

Brown Guy Named Russell Peters...

I don't know if you people have heard about him! He is a stand-up comedian from Canada but of Indian origin. My friend from Philippines sent me a youtube link for a show of this Peters guy. She said "I just love him. He is really funny. He has got an Indian accent!".
I thought "Yeah, right! Here we go again. 'Indian accent???' what do you mean by that? Each country has a way of speaking English. the Americans sound funny to the rest of the world too!"
Anyway I saw the show and let me warn the young ones reading this post:


He starts of with telling us how Asians are always mistaken as the Chinese. That is completely true, but he goes on to say that the Indians are people who speak English in a funny way! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! And so do you think we are going to accept it and laugh about it? NO! Here is my point of view, there is the American accent, the British accent and all other sorts but when we Indians speak English it is not the Indian accent but "English sounding funny"... That is so biased!

Actually we Indians are the best at English. An average kid from a good school in India is way better at English than the same from the US. And who are the Americans to speak about English? They change the language as they want it to be! they can't get themselves to say "colour" so it becomes "color"! and "realise" becomes "realize" and all such words that they find tough are changed to suit their convenience and BINGO... that becomes English (US) !

Peters goes on to talk about terrorism and that is really funny! He really is very good in this!
True terrorists aren't Indians and we don't hate the Americans. As he rightly says, "Indians just hate each other!" Its really a sort of a wakeup call for us i would say!

Then he talks about the funny Indian names. I'll give you funny Mr.Peters! What the Americans think funny is belief in God. What we think is funny is the way the rest of the world goes about with (n+1) number of relationships. Its truly amazing the way Americans and the Europeans change their partners like changing clothes! Western culture? UGH!

And when Russell Peters talks about "India has no history", I felt like murdering him! HELLO!!!
India has history that dates back to more than 4000 years. And we were probably doing advanced astronomy when you were trying to figure out how to make fire!

I don't want to go ahead further with this. Hope i did not sound like a racist in the process. Making fun of a person just because of his skin colour is HORRID, to say the least! I don't believe in that.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thoughts on a chilly morning in Allahabad....

I like to think about weird things when I am all alone. And especially now, with the big feet of mine being warmed by the bright sunshine streaming in from the nasty looking windows! (Am presently at my brother's hostel room in Allahabad)

What is the ultimate purpose of a human being? It took me some time to ponder upon the exact meaning of this topic. It does not mean anything like Man eats to live or lives to eat. No...I was thinking of something else.

I always felt that the Almighty sent each child to this world with a purpose. He sent Gandhi to fight for the nation's freedom. He sent Sachin Tendulkar to show to the world that a flawless sportsman can exist, both, on and off the field! These are just a few examples from an ocean of many! Every celebrity has something in him or her that has taken them to the Hall of Fame!

So, does everyone have it in them to make it to the top? Yes, but if everyone is at the top then who will constitute the lower levels? People with IQs lower than 100? I don't see many Indians coming in that category! :)

I have always seen the entire world as a toy in The Almighty's hand. It is pretty much analogous to a baby playing with its toys and the adults looking at it and smiling smugly at how little a baby can achieve with its toys.

God might be that adult, looking at us humans as babies with our small cities and skyscrapers. He might even be chuckling to himself and be saying,"You are capable of being more creative, but you don't try!"

If that is how our world is, then why is our race so arrogant about our achievements? Well..I always felt baby talk is coherent to other babies!
So, other humans compliment our work in baby talk...Weird!

What is heaven and hell then? I think God would catch hold of the bad kid and spank his bottom and maybe reward the good kid by giving more toys to play with.

Looks like an entirely new concept to me, but I am sure God was just looking down and saw another of his children looking up at him and trying to analyze what He meant to them!

Friday, November 30, 2007

its a cruel world...or is it just me?

well another day passed away..just another 24 hours of time that has been adding to my tally of hours i have got to live on the face of this planet! and that is a cheerful thought as i am seriously starting to worry about myself a lot! :(
why am i studying something that doesn't help me in my life? i mean...all right, i love computer science...but not this mundane and monotonous syllabus that has been prescribed. i want something more innovative, something that will make my imagination flourish! my IQ of 140 is going down the drain! :(( i am not showing off...i am just saying something that has been inside me for the past 2 years!

and the main problem now is that why do people ignore me? its not just me thinking in a negative way...oh no, it isn't! i know the people who like me and accept me as i am are the only ones who really care about me... the others...well its those that i care a lot about. typical murphy's law executed i believe! i used to buzz people online hoping to get a reply...never usual they just say "hi" and cut me off later.
i am used to it now and have learnt one very valuable lesson from all this : NEVER EVER SAY "Hi" to anyone who usually ignores you!
dont wonder who it is, as u already know that those are the very people who u always wish are going to be online.
i dont believe in forcing people to talk to me and i dont want to use some colgate toothpaste and charm people into talking to me either! :P :D

sad that my mom fell ill last week... but it helped me in introspection! i avoided the internet for a while...i didnt come online on yahoo msgr or gtalk... and funny i never missed it much! :)
my parents matter the most and i know that u will say that its the same with u...but think again...dont lie to urself...whenever u r online chatting with ur friends u never bother to go out of the room and talk to ur mom in the her out with stuff... or do u ever go to talk to u dad about his work? no... am sure u dont!

just look beyond ur computer and the internet...the whole world awaits u...try talking with people face-to-face...its mucho more better than "lol"-ing and " "brb"-ing... talking like a cynic... am not one...its just that i have written...sorry...typed what i wanted to... its upto u to criticize me or to applaud me! :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

the weather is...

The weather is making me jot this down(the mosquitoes as well! they r reminding me tht they r present everywhere especially below the table!) . I am from chennai and i have never crossed south india but once! so i am pretty much happy with the humid weather down here. but what am yet to get used to is the sudden increase in the annual rainfall! i remember the extremely cold(for me anything below 18 degree centigrade is cold!) months, november, december and january, they used to make me sleep till 8 and make me late for school! :) but now its not just the cold its also the rains which are making me late for college! chennai has never received so much of rains... i think i am right in saying that it started exactly 3 years back! the year when the tyrant Veerappan was shot down! :) i still believe that the Forest Gods showered their blessings by showing chennai some mercy.
They also helped me in a way as i had a chemistry exam cancelled because of heavy rains! :D
but now the rains have started decreasing and this year was pretty bad compared to the previous. :(
I believe that we should learn a bit of Rain Dance from the Red Indians and do it once every week! and i guess no indian city is suited for rains. chennai is a prime example...roads flooded and long power cuts and trees falling everywhere! :D the brighter side is schools and colleges closing and better water supply during rains!
oh well here i am boring u all to sorry...just wanted to vent my stupid thoughts here..hope i dont get any weirder! :P
au revoir ppl! :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Am i part of this generation???

I still cant help wondering whether i am still part of the present generation! i mean... i am not like the other guys of my age group. Or is it that i am growing mentally in a rapid manner?
A few points to be noted would be

1) I dont use a mobile phone and neither do I find the necessity for owning one! what is the point of having one anyway? there used to be just one mobile at home which was being used to call up my brother in allahabad and though i accept that i used the mobile, a lot, one year back, i don't do so now.
everywhere i go i see ppl talking on the phone (girls seem to be busier than the CEO of Google!) or messaging. agreed that mobiles have their advantages, but this is just plain murder of technology! Alright, u have a mobile? fine, keep it in your pocket all the time. don't use it at the dining table or when in class or when someone is talking to u. It is so GODDAMN irritating!

2) why spend unnecessarily? i mean when u can get good coffee at some nice tea stall or good ice cream at local ice cream shops, why should u tag along to just fit into a group and end up at some horrendous place like coffee day or Barista? these shops know that there would always be the rich bums, waiting to spend their parents hard earned money in their shops, for a small cup of caffeine! tell u wht? go home, ask ur mom for a good cuppa and if possible try inviting ur friends over once a week for coffee! ur place is as good as any café, in fact, better!!!

3) eating joints! oh maaan!!! this is exactly what is ruining india's economy! westernisation in a completely destructive way! ok a burger costs a dollar or so in the that doesnt mean it should cost the equivalent amount over here! 40 rupees for 2 slices of bread? or some raw vegetables with some cheese? please! i cant think of anything more expensive than these.

i could go on like this forever and ever! but am getting more and more fed up with the way ppl r spending these days. too much of westernisation and too much pocket-money! i never used to have more than 10 rupees when i was in school. and that was to be used only for emergency purposes like a tyre being punctured or stuff like that. i managed to live through, didn't i?

this is exactly what sets me apart from ppl of my own age group and earns me a name..."Weirdo", "Geek",etc etc!
anyway i don't care abt being named in anyway as long as my message makes atleast one person to think about what i have said!